Parent Guides. You don’t know, what you don’t know, till you know!

Parental Guides that add value to your style.

Only you know how to speak to your child. You do what you do best. The Social Kids parental guides are just that guides, there to help you better facilitate the conversation. After months of research and comparisons to find the latest and greatest stats and insights from a global perspective to formulate the parent guides. They were designed to help, not to shame or pass judgment on what you do in your home. It’s a guide to help you face the ugly truths and protect your child from the dangerous elements out there.  Setting up privacy settings on devices, finding the right kid-friendly browsers for your child to use and how to encourage real conversations that get them to come to you at any stage when they feel unsure or scared. 

No AI was used in the construction of the content. The content was curated from a parent’s point of view. We just kept saying to ourselves, what matters to me, as a parent? What information would be useful to me?

Yes, we followed in the footsteps of some well-respected sites and added some insight that we ourselves had no idea had a bearing on digital safety. An unknown fact we did find, was from UNICEF – on the core pillars to fight violence online. That was that 70% of children reported that they did not communicate with their parents about what was happening online. UNICEF has identified – Communication, as a major pillar to fight against online predators.

In adventure one and as a theme throughout the adventures we drive the concept of a  ‘circle of trust’. At a young age, we want to encourage communication. Giving children the confidence that nothing is too embarrassing.  And driving the message that they are loved; they are special, and they have rights and people who are there for them.

These guides were designed to help you be a more confident parent and hopefully face less battles as they get older.