Digital Boundaries, keeping kids safe online.

In today’s digital world, children are exposed to technology at an increasingly early age. From the moment they are born, they are surrounded by digital devices and gadgets. From smartphones and tablets to computers and gaming consoles, children are exposed to a wide range of digital technology.

This early exposure to technology can have both positive and negative effects on a child’s development. On the one hand, technology can provide children with access to a wealth of educational resources and opportunities to explore and learn. On the other hand, it can also lead to a lack of physical activity, social interaction, and even addiction.

It is important for parents to be aware of the potential risks associated with early exposure to technology and to take steps to ensure that their children are using technology in a safe and responsible manner. Parents should set limits on the amount of time their children spend on digital devices and ensure that they are engaging in other activities such as outdoor play and socializing with friends.

Setting these boundaries can be a difficult discussion to have, especially when your own behaviour sometimes crosses the line. We are all online 24 / 7. Some days this cannot be helped with the pressures of work and we as adults find it hard to balance the work life relationships.

Remember our children learn from our actions. Set yourself boundaries, and show your children the restraint you want to see in them. Balance your digital life and see the improvements it makes to your family.

Here are some steps you can take to set digital boundaries and keep your kids safe online:

  1. Educate your kids about online safety: Teach your kids about online dangers such as cyberbullying, stranger danger, and the dangers of sharing personal information.
  2. Set boundaries for device usage: Decide on appropriate times for device usage, such as after homework or before bedtime, and set limits on screen time.
  3. Monitor their online activity: Keep an eye on the websites, apps, and social media accounts your kids are using. This can be done through parental controls, or simply by asking to see their devices periodically.
  4. Encourage open communication: Let your kids know that they can come to you with any concerns or questions they have about their online experiences.
  5. Use privacy settings: Make sure the privacy settings on your kids’ devices and accounts are set to the highest level to limit the amount of personal information that is shared.
  6. Be a good role model: Show your kids how to use technology responsibly by being a good role model yourself.
  7. Stay up to date: Stay informed about the latest technology and online trends to better understand the digital world your kids are a part of.

By taking these steps, you can help keep your kids safe and give them the tools they need to make responsible and informed decisions online.

Digital balancing tricks:

  • Do all your browsing and digital work in one place – an open space where the family is around. Make this the only space where you go online.
  • Avoid going online after a certain time at the end of the day.
  • Dinner time with the family is special, you don’t need any phones or interruptions while you are eating.
  • Select a day on the weekend where phones and accessing technology is not allowed for anyone. Try having a conversation, playing a game, or going for a walk.

Share with us how you and your family like to unplug.

Join Codey Crawler on his next digital adventure, you can help keep your kids safe and give them the tools they need to make responsible and informed decisions! Think before you click!